Artist: BJ Keith |
September 10, 2017 |
Linnie Aikens from SANTA BARBARA, CA United States
BJ Keith was the artist of this piece. She was the head designer of A. House, under the name of C.Jeré for 30+ years. She and Jerry Fels, one of the original owners of A. House with his partner, Curtis Freiler (hence the name, C.Jeré) worked together for a few years in the late 70's while he taught her to use metal to bring her designs to life. They were close friends until he died. Groovy Wares seems to be a fan of my mother's work! :)
You may see more of her pieces at this link: http://www.linnieaikens-artsandletters.com/images/cross-wind, or you can read my blog on her website at: http://www.bjkeith-fineart.com/blog/
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